What Does AWARE Membership Give You?

If you are not yet an AWARE member, now is the perfect time to join - we are just getting in the swing of all our usual activities and events again and we often have lots of new members join us around now - September is the new January, it seems! Membership of AWARE offers so much, including but not limited to: Weekly Zooms on Thursday daytimes in term time covering a wide range of topics such as education, mental health, SEN services, behaviour and much, much more! You will have access to all Zoom recordings including previous ones on the member-only section of the website. Monthly face-to-face support group in Girlington and a monthly meet up in Keighley A wide range of activities for children and young people (small…
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Happy New Year!

A very Happy New Year from all at AWARE! It's time to take a big deep breath now Christmas with all of its excitement, expense, planning - and often - anxiety, is finally over! January can of course be a difficult time; not only are we in the depths of winter, everywhere you turn somebody is urging you to come up with resolutions or to try this or that new lifestyle. A lot of pressure for anyone but especially the parent or carer of someone who is autistic who can already have so much on their to-do list. So instead we are sharing a post from our favourite blogger, Kizzi - a former AWARE employee and a font of knowledge about autism - as we love how it encourages hope…
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Education Issues?

Are you facing challenges related to your autistic child or young person's education? Here at AWARE we offer a lot of support related to schooling issues. We have a standalone, member-only education discussion group on Facebook where you can post any questions you have for other members plus our knowledgeable staff to answer. If we or our members can't give you any pointers, we can usually signpost you to an external service. We also have a wealth of Zoom session recordings related to education in the member-only section of our website plus live Zoom sessions you can attend. If you prefer reading, we also have education-related help guides, again just for our members. Join here if you are not already an AWARE member, or - if you are - log…
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New! Mums’ Meet Group

We are so excited that AWARE has a brand-new Mums' Meet group, which will be run by AWARE members with support from AWARE staff. The group is open to ALL female carers with autistic children/young people - no diagnosis necessary but you will need to join AWARE if you are not already a member. The first meet up will be on Friday 22nd September. If you would like more info please check our newsletter and closed Facebook group for the Mums' Meet WhatsApp link.
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Back to School for Autistic Children

The return to school can be a challenging time for autistic children and young people, and their families, not to mention the changes attached to transitioning to a new school. AWARE has compiled a list of useful resources to help you and your child navigate September. backtoschoolresources-3Download
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Summer Stay & Plays

AWARE is running a series of play sessions over the summer holidays for children and young people aged 0-16! Sessions will take place in Manningham and Addingham. All details available on our closed Facebook group and in our newsletters! For more information on what AWARE does, see here.
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Get Help & Support from AWARE!

If you are looking for help and advice, did you know AWARE now run two face-to-face groups for parents and carers plus one Zoom support session? We also have regular meet-ups with guest speakers solely for members of our BEAT pre-diagnosis group. Find out more about what we do here!
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